Step One…we are powerless

Everyone has an opinion about what is wrong with the world.  God’s word is sufficient and clearly defines the problem and points us towards the solution.

When sin entered into the world the perfect peace He wanted for us was marred.  Sin is the marring of God’s peace.  Everything was fine until Genesis 3.

The perfect peace and beauty of His creation turned in Genesis 3:1.  It didn’t begin with a bite of a piece of fruit.  The fall from dignity to depravity began with a question from a serpent.  “Did God actually say ‘you shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?”

The most devastating question ever asked of man.  It questions the supremacy of God’s word and His character.

It goes on.  The adverb “but” in 3:4 is a disjunctive.  It disconnects how everything else linked together from  Genesis 1:1 – 3:3 and literally stops the perfect flow of creation.  “BUT, the serpent said, ‘you will not die.”…so she ate.  She ate and all of creation fractured.  Romans 5:12 reminds us that that fracture spread through the entire world, and to all people.

The same truth is found in Romans 1:24-28.   We have exchanged the truth about God for a lie.  In Jeremiah 2:13 it says we have committed two evils:  we have walked away from the pure perfect living water of God and exchanged it for the filthy water we have found for ourselves.

The great exchange.

This is the great meta-narrative all through scripture.  Every story.  Every parable.  Every character.  Every relationship.  They all point to the same topic.  It is the scarlet thread weaving together every verse, chapter, and book in the Bible.  God formed a perfect creation – we exchanged His plan for ours – our sin fractured it – it requires healing – Christ reconciles the fracture – by faith its healed.  There is the Gospel.

When Im having a spiritual conversation with someone I often get asked…”what must I do?”  It begins with understanding that there is a divide,  a fracture in God’s plan, we are on the wrong side, and that we are powerless to change ourselves.

That is the first step.


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Able to start a conversation with a phone pole. Adaptive extrovert, Disruptive thinker, Intuitive philosopher, Perceptive influencer, Idea futurist, Believer, and hater of labels. 😉 Follower of Jesus cleverly disguised as a husband, father, student, and friend.


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