Does God have a new years resolution?




01.01.11 / 1:1



My resolution list is off to a good start this morning: start a blog and work through the book of Isaiah. The blog I actually started last week. 🙂  A study of Isaiah will take a year, but I have 20 people to hold me accountable.

Facebook is full of resolution proclamations today.  Many of them have to do with drawing closer to God.  So I wonder.  Does God have New Year resolutions?  For the last 10,000 years (or 5 billion, you do your own math) He has had two resolutions:

1. Bring glory to Himself (Isaiah 43:6-7)

2. And, reconcile the fracture in our relationship with Him when He gave us a choice (Romans 5:10)

I was praying this morning for a friend of ours having trouble with a child.  As parents we often ask ourselves of our children, “why don’t they understand?”  God asks that of us through Isaiah in the very first chapter, verse 2 “children have I reared and brought up but they have rebelled against me.”

Why don’t we understand?  Do I truly understand the weight of my sin on Him?  Or do I misinterpret my own guilt and shame for understanding?

Read through Deuteronomy and you can see verse after verse that illustrates the lengths He pushes us to purge sin out of our relationship with Him.

If Paul is the “chief among sinners” then I am first assistant-chief
So Im going to add a resolution to my list.  Not a single event but a heart change..that my heart might see my sin through His eyes and not simply through my guilt.

That I will understand His resolution to purge sin from His relationship with me.  That He will give me His strength and steps to meet His resolution.


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Able to start a conversation with a phone pole. Adaptive extrovert, Disruptive thinker, Intuitive philosopher, Perceptive influencer, Idea futurist, Believer, and hater of labels. 😉 Follower of Jesus cleverly disguised as a husband, father, student, and friend.


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