Millennials: Why Can’t They Quit Watching Porn?

young-man-in-white-shirt-and-glasses-stares-in-shock-at-computer-screen-while-browsing-the-internetIt will come as no surprise that this millennial generation has unprecedented access to images of graphic sexuality.  Barely a generation ago, these images were limited to magazines on hidden shelves at convenience stores. But as “digital natives,” they now have unlimited porn available at any time, privately accessible, and free.

According to Dr. Ogas, co-author of A Billion Wicked Thoughts, of the one million most popular websites, 42,337 (nearly 5%) are sex-related.  Additionally, Ogas’ study found nearly 15% of all Internet searches were for erotic content and the largest porn site on the web registers 4.4 billion page views per month.

Boundaries, filters and accountability are useful and crucial to the healing process but will not complete it.  His only complete healing will come by following THESE STEPS

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Able to start a conversation with a phone pole. Adaptive extrovert, Disruptive thinker, Intuitive philosopher, Perceptive influencer, Idea futurist, Believer, and hater of labels. 😉 Follower of Jesus cleverly disguised as a husband, father, student, and friend.


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