Millennials: Why do they cut?

It is so easy to ignore at first when you see it.  You may see fresh scars on their arm and think they scratched themselves accidentally.  You may see healed scars and think it’s a birthmark.  But if only you could see their heart.  That is where the true cuts are still fresh and the […]


As an American traveling abroad and trying to communicate across a language barrier have you ever felt the temptation to speak slowly and loudly as if that is going to help them understand your urgent request to find the nearest bathroom?  They look at you with that befuddled stare, shrug, smile, and walk away.  Why […]

Being detained in Plano for being black…

Lets call him Terrence. I was at Starbucks in the corner minding my own business. Terrence was a few seats down from me talking to a friend. I thought I heard him mention something about “Hebrew” and “PhD.” His friend left and curiosity got the best of me so I asked Terrence if he was […]

Is your grandmother a prostitute?

Of the thousands of people reading this blog post, what are the odds that each of us are the “normal ones” around the Thanksgiving table? Do you really think you are the one that everyone else wishes they were? In less than two weeks our families will all gather together again in dreaded anticipation of […]

3 things I learned from the prodigal son’s father in seat 14H

“Excuse me…that’s my seat…14J…window…sorry.” My seatmate in 14H had boarded early. He was a veteran. I could tell by the blue Navy Vietnam cap he had already pulled down over his eyes. I thanked him for his service. He never looked up. Cap down. Arms crossed. Exuding a powerful message of “leave me alone.” Message […]