Monsters to be named

No noise could ever save me from the voice inside my head; from the nightmares in my closet and the monsters under bed. One by one, I see them come: the monsters to be named. They stand and fall, they walk and crawl, here I am afraid. I see the stars and all their glory, […]

The “Great Drewzini”

In 6th grade I was the Great Drewzini. My travelling magic show was quite in demand on the neighborhood birthday circuit.  I left the crowds in awe and mystified with my Chinese Rice Bowls, Linking Rings, and card tricks. There were always three kinds of kids at each party. The first group was always in […]

…walking in grace

I joked to her about wanting to have a piece of candy from her easter basket.  She looked at me for a moment and replied, “no…but I will give you a hug.”  Wow.  That will preach. What a reflection of God’s grace.  We ask God for what we want, He gives us what we need. […]

Step #4…my moral inventory

 I love making “to do” lists. And I’ll confess that I will even write things on the list that I’ve already done just so I can then immediately scratch them off. The list I was about to make was something completely different.  More than simply different…it was the most difficult, yet freeing list I have […]

Jesus on flight #869

He sat down next to me last night in 10B and immediately began reading his book, “Mobs, Messiahs, and Markets,” a 400-page book on the human condition. “Looks like light reading” I said.  He laughed.  “What’s the book about?…and by the way my name is Drew.”  “hi, my name is Bill.”  And thus began our […]

Step #3…where i run

You know that ever so brief flash of a magical moment in the morning when you first wake up?  That moment of peace and serenity before you remember? That magical moment before you remember your day, your circumstances, your reality.  God often speaks to me there. That brief moment is often my most powerful moment […]