How often I hear a woman complimenting another on a certain purse and they smile as they respond, “oh, its Sam Moon.” (For those that don’t live in Dallas, Sam Moon is a store of knock-off purses and jewelry…you can insert the name of any cheap street vendor that sells Gucci purses for $5). I’m […]
Does God have a new years resolution?
01.01.11 / 1:1 My resolution list is off to a good start this morning: start a blog and work through the book of Isaiah. The blog I actually started last week. 🙂 A study of Isaiah will take a year, but I have 20 people to hold me accountable. Facebook […]
Jesus in seat 20B at 32,000’
“Outside 20 A” I noticed how uneasy she seemed in her seat. Uncomfortable with how to snap the seatbelt, unsure how to turn on her light or adjust the vent. Her wrist was in a brace. When I asked her if she needed help she responded yes with […]
Religion is only crowd control…
I read an article on MSNBC this morning about a “pastor” from Dallas that was caught burglarizing the home of one her parishioners. If the news wasn’t disturbing enough, the comments posted online really caused me to reflect. Im reminded of John Cleese’s comment that “religion served no other purpose than crowd control.” Brilliant assessment […]
The most precious answer is still…wait
Around 4,000 years ago, Abraham was told by God “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation.” (Genesis 12) And the Israelites waited. And waited. Through times of both plenty and times of drought. Through both […]
“…oh Beaver!”
“…oh Beaver!” (laugh track) <fade to black> 29:58 Whew! Another crisis averted in just under thirty minutes by Ward and June in the Cleaver household. Im pretty sure that Socrates had sitcoms in mind back in 400 BC when he developed the “Socratic Method.” It was his theory that “to solve a problem, it would […]