#Ferguson Decision: How do you respond?

Disheartening watching Twitter tonight. It seems there are few topics that enflame and divide the citizenry more than the topics of racism and privilege. We claim we have moved past it. We certainly want to. But the streets of Ferguson tonight show that we haven’t. And we don’t even seem to know how to voice […]

My morning at McDonalds…and how I met Jesus there

I had breakfast at McDonalds this morning (I know, I know.) The drive-thru lane was too long and no one was inside so I gave the counter a try. One sausage/egg burrito with hot sauce and a cup of water for $1.25…I’ve done worse on more. Plus they have wifi. Score! I sat down to […]

Molly Shattuck…what went so tragically wrong.

Molly Shattuck, 47 and a former Baltimore Ravens cheerleader, was accused yesterday of raping a 15-year-old boy over this past Labor Day weekend at her Delaware beach house. Molly, who made history as the oldest woman to become an NFL cheerleader, is accused of repeatedly sexually assaulting the young boy. The Associated Press reports that […]

Brittany Maynard died on Saturday…right on schedule. But whose?

Brittany Maynard, 29, was diagnosed in April of this year with a stage 4 malignant brain tumor and given six months to live. She also learned how she would suffer in the end, losing her ability to speak and use of her own body. So, earlier this month, she made plans to die on her own […]

To Trevor Moran and his new song: Echo

        IF YOU DON’T KNOW who Trevor Michael Moran is…Trevor is 16, from California, and lives at home with his parents. At the age of 10 Trevor walked into an Apple Store. He activated the camera on a Mac and begin recording a video of himself dancing to a popular song. He […]

Tim Cook: “Being gay is God’s greatest gift.” Huh?

The CEO of Apple announced today “I’m proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me.” More so than Steve Jobs, Cook has always strived for a basic level of privacy in his personal life.   Recently he has apparently come to the conclusion that his desire for […]